Hopefully, by now you would have started to see what a chatbot can do for you and your business, but surely you cant improve your SEO with messenger, can you?

Well, that very much depends you see google take a whole bunch of things that they use to work out if your website is worth ranking, and a lot of it has to do with how long your viewer is on your website. 

If they are only on for a short period, well sadly google sees that as you not having good information on there and so if another website comes along with longer sticking times on their website, yours will go down in the rankings.

But let's go through ranking your website in the first place

When ranking a website in Google Bing or any of the others it is important to remember that there are three major factors.

On-page SEO, content quality, and how many links you have going to your site.

Now I am certainly not saying that if you add a chatbot to a low-quality site then everything will be good and you will start ranking, but when you use a chatbot, it will enhance the users experience on your site. 

And adding a chatbot widget is simple inside of many of the chatbot suppliers, including ourselves at chatammo.

There are so many benefits to having your widget, but the major one being time spent on your site. However, that is just the beginning of the benefits you are going to find when you have installed your chatbot.

Chatbot benefits to your business

If you have been in business any amount of time then you would have very quickly learnt that customers will always have questions about your product or service. 95% of people don't buy the first time they see what you have to offer.

When a chatbot is installed onto your page then your customers won't have to search your website for answers, they can use keywords and your bot can then supply all of the answers they need to make the right buying decisions.

And that little blue bubble is something that your audience trusts, they have used messenger before and so feel comfortable using it.

Added to that the amount of time that you save not having to answer the same questions again and again, so that is time and money you have saved by the addition of one small piece of code, working as one of your best salespeople and customer service 24/7

Important page links

When a chatbot is set up correctly on your page, it can also lead your customer on a journey to find exactly what is right for them, imagine having a funnel inside of your website.

This will help your visitors find exactly what they want without having to go looking for it. And at the same time reducing the risk that they will get sidetracked from their buying journey.

Page links that you know they will like can be added to the chatbot, making the whole experience better for your viewers.

As a bonus, Google will also see that the link is clicked. Again, helping your site to rank as now people are fully interacting with your content


If you don't want to be forever paying for ads, then adding a chatbot to your website could be one of the best things you can do for business.

And with longer stays, more engagement, and also building your email list at the same time it is very easy to see why this should be at the top of your list when thinking about a website.

Get started with chatammo today, and finally start adding some speed to your marketing